With an increase in attendance, projects, and ministries, Christ Lutheran Church needs you! So please prayerfully consider the following questions and see how you can play a part in the continued success of our congregation!
All of the above and more, plus the variety of on-going activities that commence each and every
day to ensure the necessary operations and management of this church.
Now, the time of the annual Stewardship Drive has arrived. Please pray for the Stewardship Drive here at CLC, and as you do, ask The Lord “What can you do?”, or “What can you do more of?”.
On Sunday, October 20, 2024, you will be asked to bring your financial commitment sheet forward to the Altar in a sealed envelope with your name on it, and separately, the blue “Talents” sheet. May God bless you and your time with Him in prayer and commitment to His Glory and the furthering of His Kingdom.
Christ Lutheran Church, Board of Stewardship