“But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead...” Paul never hedged in his proclamation of the living Christ. It was a fact; it was his unfaltering conviction. His Damascus experience – the light from heaven driving him to the ground – the voice identifying Jesus: “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting,” the divine command instructing the blinded Paul to submit to God’s will for his life – was enough to convince him that “Christ [had] been raised from the dead.” It was an experience Paul never forgot. It became the basis of his preaching from that time to the hour of his martyrdom.

Through Paul, through the apostles who saw the risen Christ, through the multitudes who have followed this Christ and witnessed to Him, who have preached and written about Him throughout the centuries, God has spoken to us.

The fact of Christ’s resurrection resolves into another astounding fact: we shall, indeed, be raised from the dead. “The last enemy to be destroyed is death,” wrote Paul. It is not logical or comprehensible to our three-dimensional insights; it is a fact, nonetheless, and a glorious hope that gives us the courage to joyfully march on – and even to risk our lives on behalf of others.

May our Savior help us to daily reflect and demonstrate His resurrection power to others we meet along the journey of faith.